Angular Developer
Angular is a powerful front-end framework that facilitates the creation of dynamic and responsive web applications. If you’re considering Angular development for your website, here’s a concise guide:
Setup and Installation
Install Node.js and npm on your machine.
Use Angular CLI to create a new project: ng new project-name.
Navigate into the project folder: cd project-name.
Components and Modules
Break down your UI into components.
Create modules to organize components logically.
Leverage Angular’s component-based architecture for reusability.
Data Binding
Utilize two-way data binding for real-time updates between the view and the model.
Employ property binding and event binding for effective communication.
Use services to handle business logic and data retrieval.
Promote code modularity by injecting services into components.
Implement Angular Router for navigation.
Define routes to load components based on URL changes.
HTTP Client
Interact with APIs using Angular’s HttpClient module.
Handle asynchronous operations with Observables.
Build reactive forms for user input validation.
Utilize template-driven or reactive forms based on project requirements.
Dependency Injection
Leverage Angular’s dependency injection system for efficient component communication.
Write unit tests for components, services, and other modules.
Utilize tools like Jasmine and Karma for testing.
Optimize performance using Ahead-of-Time (AOT) compilation.
Lazy load modules for efficient resource utilization.